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Support Gold Star Families

Donation Goal: $10,000

The registration fees and donations from this event will go directly towards funding our Enduring Heroes Program. Allowing us to provide a select number of Gold Star family members with the ability to participate in our annual "active" retreat at the Bataan Memorial Death March. This event/retreat allows them to pay tribute to and cherish the memory of their lost loved ones by undertaking a challenging 14 or 26.2-mile march through the high desert at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. With every $800 raised, we can ensure that a Gold Star family member can participate in this poignant event. Our goal through this event is to sponsor a min of ten Gold Star family members. 

Your donations will help cover: 

  • Registration fees
  • Lodging 
  • Team Kits 
  • Team Dinner 
  • Travel for those needing help with costs. 

Donations and fundraising are optional and are not required to participate in this event. 


Raised of $10,000


Top Donors

$2,255 Raised By 11 Donors

$190 on behalf of Brandon Bruce
$100 on behalf of In Memory of Spc.Ryan Pertile
$130 on behalf of Kim Moses
$100 from Anonymous
$50 from Anonymous
$110 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Robert Yarnall
$55 on behalf of Tommye Woolley
$55 on behalf of Toni Miller
$50 on behalf of Victoria Colquhoun
$40 on behalf of Karla Morris

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